
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Moondancerjen's Let It Snow Giveaway

Felt like having a little giveaway to kick off the holiday season, so I picked my favorite six colors from China Glaze's Let it Snow Collection to giveaway!

So, here are the rules:
  1. This giveaway is open internationally, but please make sure your country will allow you to receive polish in the mail before entering.
  2. There will be one winner, and he/she will receive the following SIX colors from China Glaze's 2011 Let it Snow collection: Twinkle Lights, Tinsel Town, Blue Years Eve, Glittering Garland, Ring in the Red, and Snow Globe
  3. You must be a Google Friend Connect Follower to Enter.
  4. Everyone has the chance to earn extra entries by doing the following:
    1. Tweet about the contest, sample tweet: "I just entered @moondancerjen's Let it Snow Giveaway, and you can too at:"
    2. Like my page on Facebook.
    3. Follow me on Twitter.
    4. Add me to your blogroll
    5. Blog about this giveaway
    6. Give me some feedback or suggestions for my blog/facebook page/twitter feed, etc...


  1. Great giveaway!! rafflecopter has been acting up today on Chrome, so i am hoping my entries go through correctly!

  2. Thanks so much for the chance! Twinkle Lights is on my wishlist since I saw the first swatch of it!

  3. Hi! entered.

    I have the public profile. but these days blogger is giving me problems and change it to private, please do not disqualify me, I can send a screenshot or something.


  4. Thanks for this giveaway. I joined! :]
