
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gloomy Nails

I know it's summer and I should be posting bright and cute nails, but lately I've been in a MOOD and I just felt like taking my nails into an unseasonably dark direction. One day I was in the mood for black, so I painted my nails this really hot sparkly black from Forever 21's Love and Polish brand.
Then I added a little funky french action to it with Zoya's uber sparkly silver, Luna. This would make such a great going out manicure, wouldn't it?

The next day I wasn't over my MOOD, so I painted my nails gray - Zoya Dove to be exact, and played with different images from the new Bundle Monster collection.
BM 216 as a half moon instead of a french.  This reminds me of Charlie Brown's famous t-shirt.
BM 218 as a cute scrolly french.

Hope you like these gloomy nails.  The good news is that I've got some fun manicures coming up soon, looks like like my gloomy mood has passed! :D


  1. I too match my nails to my mood (and clothes-*blush*). I've been wanting to do a black manicure for a while now!!!

    I love how you stamped the half moon at the base of the nails. Amazing. Real pretty!

  2. these look great! but i'm glad that the dark mood is over now, be happy =D

  3. I really like Dove stamped. It wakes the color up!

  4. That Forever21 polish is amazing! Love that glitter.

    And Dove looks gorgeous with the stamp you used. I love using darker colors in the summer. It's a nice change.(:

  5. The glittery black is so pretty! I will have to look at it next time I go to Forever 21 thanks for sharing!

  6. I love the halfmoon mani! Btw, I left you award on my page if you wanted to grab it!
